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Bishop is an adviser to the King.  There are two Bishops. One rests on the light square and the other on dark square. The Bishop on light square can never move to a dark square and vice-versa. During the inception of chess in India, Bishop was called as Camel. That explains why the Bishop moves diagonally. If you have seen a camel run, you’ll know the reason. It’s really fun to watch a camel run.

Name: Bishop ♗

Points: 3

Bishop can move as far it wants but only in diagonals. Bishop can go to any one of the squares marked in green. Bishop will be blocked by pieces of its own side. Here the Bishop is blocked by the King  on g2 square.



Bishop can capture an enemy piece standing on it’s way. Here the Bishop can capture the Rook on f7 and after capturing, it occupies the f7 square as shown in next diagram.



After capturing the Rook:



Bishop loves open spaces, especially diagonals. You should always try to keep your Bishops on open spaces so that it can have a long diagonal.



Let us know in the comment section if I have missed any information about Bishops or you have a better way to teach kids about how a Bishop moves.


Sharath is a full-time chess coach, part-time web designer and a hobby blogger. He posts his chess articles on KidsChessWorld. Contact him for online chess coaching